Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Not to give out too much information, but as good a time as any to change dietary habits is after a bout of  nausea-inducing flu. Which brings up the subject of Lent (this doesn't sound right). I'm way late for Lent this year (March 9 to April 23 - Luv Ya Sarah!) but it's never too late to get on board with a God thing right? But about a week ago I was joking that I was going to "reverse Lent" this year by starting to drink water instead of giving up something. Now that my tummy is tender and dark roast coffee seems a tad strong, drinking water instead of coffee seems easier now than before. 

We can't all be lucky enough to rely on the flu as emphasis for change, and giving up something usually implies sacrifice. When you are in the sacrifice mode, normally you're in for repercussions that may leave you worse off than before. The best way I've found to change is to love first, then change. Here's the best example that I personally have. I have terrible will power. I used to bite my nails and my mother all her life told me that that was a terrible habit. No change. Then I started playing guitar and found that those fingernails that I had been nastily chewing off came in quite handy. I quit chewing nails because the love of playing made that habit inconsistent with the action. So, I've developed an M.O.— if you want to take away, first add something you love. And for those of you who are losing weight or trying to, my hat's off to you. It's the hardest thing to do because you have to love yourself and have a vision of yourself that pulls you through. Loving is an action that can grow and grow. Sacrifice can only be maintained for a season. So the sacrifice has to be part of the loving. Check this pattern out:

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. -- Hebrews 12

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