Friday, March 18, 2011

Charlie Sheen

My wife asked me last night, "Why draw attention to a guy like that?" It's a good question. I actually know very little about Charlie Sheen. I don't watch his show nor do I follow much of the news surrounding him of late. What I do know is that the guy has a breach of contract lawsuit with the producers of the show Two and a Half Men. I do know that Mr. Sheen has made some outlandish remarks, and some of those I agree with and some I laugh at. And I don't know how much of what he said was meant to be comedy. I do know that the networks will cut and paste words to suit their point of view — I witnessed this first hand. So the kernel of this whole story which I totally applaud, is that Sheen is taking his story on the road. And I think that the popularity of his tour is largely due to a growing, and healthy conceptualization in America, that we are not told the truth by our network journalists. I don't think it is necessarly in support of Mr. Sheen's lifestyle.  Anyone who stands up to the media like Mr. Sheen is doing, deserves a certain amount of respect, even if he may be someone you wouldn't want your daughter going out with. 

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