Thursday, December 30, 2010

Book Report Sort of...

Since my lower back has been removed by aliens during a recent abduction and replaced with an efficient pain emitter, I've been relegated to two positions — standing or lying down.  Fortunately, while standing, I can play my guitar. While lying down I can read. I just read "Mr. God, This is Anna" by Flynn, and can't say enough about this account of such a wonderful child. You might think you're a tough guy and would rather read books where people get the crappola kicked out of them and there is ample woe and intrigue, where the good guys give their life for God and country etc., but Anna's the kind of person you'd give your life for. She lived to be 7 years old. She was found on a pre-war London street by a young man named only as Flynn. Flynn never tells us his last name. Flynn took her home to his family and they common law adopted this street urchin. The account is written by Flynn, 30 years after the death of Anna. It is quite remarkable. Contains the most brilliant street-smart theology, math and physics you'll ever read about. I think it quite Christlike for Anna to be at once loved by the prostitutes and to be at odds with the clergy of her time.

And speaking of amazing females. You have to read Joan of Arc, and my favorite account is by Mark Twain of all people. Anna and Joan of Arc are examples of God intervening in the lives of men. The vision, and the courage, the conviction and unwavering faith -- these are things we can be encouraged to cultivate, but Joan and  Anna brought those traits to us by special revelation and I think that that is just where we have to leave it and give thanks for.

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