Saturday, October 30, 2010

Quick "Tune Up" Caricatures

I get called upon at Christmas to do pary caricatures, so to prep for the gig I do fast ones of celebrities I can find pictures of. Not too hard now, thanks to Google...
Anchorage anchorman Mike Ross

And the perpetual bad guy, Sean Bean

Along with sunken eyes Ted Danson

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I'm firmly convinced that the Foreclosure Crisis has been established by several brave men and women, trained mostly in the income tax legal arena, who saw the connection between unholy banking practices and unholy income tax applications, followed their perceptions, applied their skill and forcing banks and lending institutions into disclosure, and now have unearthed massive fraud. The comedy is in the statements by the big guys, who state, while packing their bags for a one way flight to Barbados, "We'll get to the bottom of this..."

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


The court ruled that Joe Miller had to make his personal files available to the public on the basis that he was running for U.S. Senate, a position that gave the public the right to know about him and his background. I don't necessarily have a problem with that. What I do have a problem with is, why isn't that standard extended to our current president? Is it too much to ask for a legit birth certificate from the guy in charge of lethal force in America? Is it too much to ask, "How could you travel to lands unaccessible to U.S. citizens, without being the citizen of another country?"

New Sherlock Holmes

I saw the new PBS Mystery version of Sherlock Holmes
last night and was totally jazzed by
everything in this film. I loved the refreshing
angle on Dr. Watson who is seen in this
version as a much more aggressive individual--
yet nevertheless is totally bewildered by the
mental powers of Sherlock Holmes.

And rightly so. In this day of "forensic everything"
and all the crime gizmos available I was wondering
how they would set this Sherlock over and above
modern marvels. I didn't need to worry.
This Sherlock Holmes is, God help me,
my favorite even over the Jeremy Brett version. I've said it,
please have mercy. One thing I like is the story tellers
decision to bring you into the mind of Holmes as he
thinks with on-screen visuals of the facts S.H. is picking
up from the crime scene and individuals he meets.

It was wonderful. And it wasn't American. There were
very subtle scene transitions and an abundance of 
reasons to want to watch this again. Just imagine inspector Lestrade
texting Holmes requesting his help! I know it sounds like it
shouldn't work but it does and it really swings.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Sarah Palin Caricature

I'll go on record. I like Sarah Palin. She actually came out at my invitation when she was running for Gov. I had dinner with her and her daughter at a jazz gig I was playing at. I didn't know who I was going to back in the primary and she graciously came and answered my questions.

Russell Crowe Caricature

I really dig this guy as an actor. Seems like a decent chap. Although I've never met someone from Australia that I didn't thoroughly enjoy.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Indian House Script

The Indian House is in Indian, Alaska which is a beautiful 18 mile drive south out of Anchorage along the world famous Turnagain Arm. I play there on Friday nights and I've seen Dall Sheep, eagles, swans and pods of Beluga whales on my way to the gig. All are framed by a gorgeous inlet and mountains that crash right into the water. Sometimes the moon seems to hover over the waters of the inlet, bright enough to cast a moon shadow, majestic enough to make you feel insecure and awestruck. I lettered this script on a placemat and the staff wouldn't throw it away so I came home and did a clean version of it and screened it onto some black hoodies.

Indian House Caricatures

I play guitar at The Indian House, which is a restaurant/bar and feels like a home. There was a birthday party for James Glover, musician extraordinaire. His two children with their friends were there. I drew their caricatures and we had a blast.   


I got a call from a friend to do a T-shirt design for a Tsunami Warning Center. I haven't heard back if they like this or not, but I did and wanted to post this. This was done with a very cool brush pen made by Pentel. You can email me for more info on where to buy it. I lettered this while on the phone with a rather boring conversation..."Redeem the time for the days are evil" says our Lord, so I feel like I got off that phone call with some value. Oh yeah, I also threw in this idea for note cards...